The Artist
Early 2011 I came to live in Borneo. Coming from a hectic job (in the Netherlands) which consumed all my time, I finally found time in Borneo to paint & make sculptures. Living in Sabah and exploring the underwater world inspired me to create my art.
Loving contemporary expressionism my painting and sculptures but also sometimes I like to make abstract expressionist art. Although for me it is not easy to go completely abstract. But I love to make sculptures that are loosely inspired on real (underwater) creators.
With a degree in In-house Architecture I love to make objects to show around the house. One of my favourite projects is working with paper (old newspapers, paper pulp and paper clay) and recycle materials to create sculptures. But also painting gives me much joy to express myself and it is perfect to be able to switch from one object to another. Especially as my sculptures need so much drying tim; it is nice to be able together a brush and paint in the main time.
The amazing colours seen under and above water gave me so much inspiration to create expressionist art. My sculptures are mostly inspired of the underwear world and show expressionism to the max.