Artwork By Category : - Expresionist style
Expressionist style painting; painted with bright colours using a free reference picture from Karen Broemmelsick who is so kind to share her pictures of horses on the web. Painted with acrylics and varnish from Royal Talens on a 60 x 60 cm strechted canvas.
This cat was one of the first I ever made and went to the Netherlands. After 8 years it returned to me and I had the opportunity to repaint it.
Worked on this for a few months using old newspapers and other recycling stuff. Inspired on a Black Boxfish (Ostracion Meleagris). Baia is apron 31 cm high (including pedestal) and 46 cm long. Painted with acrylics and glossy varnish (brand: Amsterdam from Royal Talens).
Loosely inspired in a Thorn-Back Cowfish (Lactoria fornasini) but 3 times bigger (yes tree!!! times). Scribble is 60 cm long and stands 40 cm tall including his pedestal made from rocks. Made using old newspapers, paper pulp and paper clay. Painted with Royal Talens Amsterdam acrylics and varnish.
Bril is inspired on a blowfish and made from old newspapers, paper pulp and recycling materials. Brill is 21 cm tall. Painted with Amsterdam acrylics and varnish from Royal Talens.
She is a cute little blowfish made from one newspapers, paper, paper pulp and paper clay. And recycled materials (like plastic straws for the spikes). Cudi is approximate 19 cm tall. Painted with acrylics and varnished (brand: Amsterdam from Royal Talens).
Sprickle is inspired on a blow fish and his colors are from a Mandarin fish I saw on one of our great dives here in Borneo. Underwater creatures keep amazing me with there beauty! Sprickle is approximate 23 cm big and made from old newspapers and paper pulp. And painted and varnished with Amsterdam acrylics from Royal Talens.
A gentle tiger painted on 60 cm x 70 cm stretched canvas. Painted with Amsterdam acrylics, inks and varnish from Royal Talens.
This beauty is called Cobra. Her name comes from the CoBrA movement as her colors are inspired by the colors Corneille (one of the members of the CoBrA movement) used a lot. Cobra is about 78 cm tall. So happy that it was finished in time to be exhibited in the New Talent Exhibition @ the Sabah Art Gallery in Kota Kinabalu. After the show, it will be sent on a long journey to its new home. Painted and varnished with Amsterdam acrylics from Royal Talens.